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-Is the thirteenth zodiac constellation

What is this Ophiuchus Constellation?

Ophiuchus constellation origin Its name is from the Greek Ὀφιοῦχος Ophioukhos; "serpent-bearer", and it is commonly represented as a man grasping the snake that is represented by the constellation Serpens. Ophiuchus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations

What is the name of the 13th zodiac sign?

Nestled in between Scorpio and Sagittarius, it could potentially change the face of the zodiac as we know it. The 13th sign is unique in that unlike the 12 signs we're already familiar with, Ophiuchus is associated with a real person named Imhotep, also known as Serpentarius, or Aesclepius by the ancient Greeks.

What does the constellation Ophiuchus mean?

Ophiuchus is a large constellation located around the celestial equator. Its name is from the Greek Ophioukhos; "serpent-bearer", and it is commonly represented as a man grasping the snake that is represented by the constellation Serpens.

What does Ophiuchus sign mean?

Just as Leo is the lion and Pisces is the fish, "Ophiuchus is the serpent bearer, symbolized by a man clutching a snake," Edut says. In terms of its defining personality traits, she says it possesses a combination of those associated with Scorpio and Sagittarius, the signs it succeeds and precedes.




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