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Tropical Wet Climate

"Tropical Wet Climate"

Did you know that Tropical wet climate is one type of climate?

Aw climates have a pronounced dry season, with the driest month having precipitation less than 60 mm and less than 1/25 of the total annual precipitation. Cities featuring a Tropical savanna climate.

Map of those countries who have tropical wet climate:

What country has a tropical wet climate?

Tropical Wet is only found along the equator, usually within 25 degrees of the equator because. Large areas of Tropical Wet are found in Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Seasons don't change in Tropical Wet, so there is only 1 season.

"This graph shows the flow of Tropical Wet Climate"

What is the average temperature of a tropical wet climate?

The second type of tropical climate—the tropical wet-dry, or savanna (grassy parkland), type—is characterized by high temperatures (all monthly means above 64 °F, or 18 °C) but receives less precipitation.





What type of climate is tropical wet?

The lack of regular rainfall prevents most trees from surviving in Tropical Wet and Dry. So, the most common vegetation are types grasses and shrubs with an few scattered trees. These types of plants have adapted to long periods of dry weather. The large grasslands are often called savannas.


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