Aa Lava
"A'a' lava"

What is A'a Lava?
A'a' lava is the most common appearance type of lava flows that cool down forming fragmented, rough, sometimes spiny, or blocky surfaces
How does it flow?
Mafic (ferromagnesian, dark-coloured) lavas such as basalt characteristically formflows known by the Hawaiian names pahoehoe and aa (or a'a). Pahoehoe lava flows are characterized by smooth, gently undulating, or broadly hummocky surfaces. ... For example, hot basaltic lava produces flows with smooth to ropy surfaces.

There are some volcano that release Aa lava:
1.Lava from Hawaii's Kilauea volcano flowing into the ocean.

2.Slow-moving front of an a'a' lava flow on Etna Volcano

*A’a is a Hawaiian word meaning “stony with rough lava”.
*Aa lava flows form when basalt lava flows down the side of a volcano and is cooler than pahoehoelava flows. The lava flow has a rough or rubbly surface with sharp edges. The Hawaiians used this term to describe these type of lava flows on their islands for a very long time.