"Magma" What is Magma? Magma is a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids that is found beneath the surface of the...
Aa Lava
"A'a' lava" What is A'a Lava? A'a' lava is the most common appearance type of lava flows that cool down forming fragmented, rough,...
Pahoehoe Lava
"Pahoehoe Lava" What is a Pahoehoe Lava? The first and most obvious difference is that pahoehoe flows are smooth down to a scale of a few...
"LAVA" What is Lava? Lava is molten rock generated by geothermal energy and expelled through fractures in planetary crust or in an...
Pillow lavas
"Pillow lavas" Pillow lavas are lavas that contain characteristic pillow-shaped structures that are attributed to the extrusion of the...
Volcanic activity ranges from emission of gases, non-explosive lava emissions to extremely violent explosive bursts that may last many...
Volcanic Gas
This is because sulfur emissions create aerosols that block the sun's incoming rays temporarily. While volcanoes do emit powerful...
Lava Plateau Volcanoes
Lava plateau. Lava plateaus are formed by highly fluid (runny) basaltic lava during numerous successive eruptions through numerous vents...
Caldera volcanoes are the Extreme Volcanoes. These are the most powerful and catastrophic types of volcanoes in a category by themselves...
Lava Dome
A lava dome or volcanic dome is a roughly circular mound-shaped protrusion resulting from the slow extrusionof viscous lava from a...